Kawasaki Marien for communication between Kawasaki Port and residents

Usage time 9:00 to 21:00 ☎ 044-287-6000

What is Kawasaki Marien?

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What is Kawasaki Marien?

"Kawasaki Marien" is a hall managed by Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Kawasaki Port Promotion Association as a designated manager. The building is located in Higashi Ogishima, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture. It is a nickname for the community facility created by Kawasaki City to deepen the exchange between residents and Kawasaki Port.

(Official name: Kawasaki City Port Promotion Hall) The nickname "Kawasaki Marien" was selected from a public contest.
The contest received 959 entries, and "Kawasaki Marien" was picked as a familiar and easy-to-understand nickname. The name is formed from the two words "Marine" and "Entrance" -- giving an image of being the entrance of the sea leading to the world.

Usage guide

Opening hours 9:00 to 21:00 (Reception desk is open from 8:45 to 20:00). The parking area is open 24 hours.
Closing days December 29 to January 3
How to use Application method of facility use
Direction For direction on how to visit us, please see the Direction page.


Download catalog

Kawasaki Marien catalog (PDF)
Higashi Ogishima walking map (PDF)

Download facility usage guide

Facility usage guide (PDF)